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Story 07: Managing the Organization

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Story 07 Archives
Story 01 Archives
Archive Title: 07. Managing the Organization - Chapter

Date Original: 2013

Description: Elaine Heumann Gurian, in Managing the Organization, talks about the values and tools that allowed her team and the museum to run an open but structured and effective organization.

Creator(s):Elaine HeumannGurian, author


Archive Title: A Developer's Profile - Video

Date Original: June 2007

Description: Aylette Jenness talks about how she ended up as a developer at the Children's Museum.

Creator(s): Aylette Jenness, interviewee

Keywords: development, staff, interviews

Archive Title: A Story about Elaine - Video

Date Original: April 2009

Description: Janet Kamien tells a story about Elaine Gurian.

Creator(s): Janet Kamien, interviewee; Carol Yourman, videographer

Keywords: staff, interview

Archive Title: After Hours Functions at the Boston Children's Museum - Flyer

Date Original: to be entered

Description: Flyer advertising the after-hours rental of the Boston Children's Museum for private functions.

Creator(s): Boston Children's Museum

Keywords: facilities; rental; function; event; private

Archive Title: After-hours at the Children's Museum - Flyer

Date Original: n.d.

Description: Flyer advertising space rental for events at the Boston Children's Museum.

Creator(s): Boston Children's Museum

Keywords: events, facilities, rentals

Archive Title: An Advocate for Everything: Exploring Exhibit Development Models - Article

Date Original: January 2001

Description: Exploration of different models for development and staffing at museums, featuring different case studies.

Creator(s): Janet Kamien, author; Curator, publisher

Keywords: models, staffing, museum administration, development

Archive Title: An Advocate For Everything; Exploring Exhibit Development Models - Article

Date Original: ca. 2001

Description: Discussion on exhibit development. "An Advocate For Everything; Exploring Exhibit Development Models"

Creator(s): Janet Kamien, author

Keywords: model; development; exhibit; growth; planning; resource; management; curator

Archive Title: Andy Merrill 1 - Photograph

Date Original: n.d.

Description: Black and white photograph of Andy Merrill.

Creator(s): Boston Children's Museum

Keywords: staff, portraits

Archive Title: Andy Merrill 2 - Photograph

Date Original: n.d.

Description: Black and white photograph of Andy Merrill.

Creator(s): to be entered

Keywords: staff; portrait; photograph; picture; black and white

Archive Title: Angela and Jane - Photograph

Date Original: n.d.

Description: Three individuals smiling in a black and white photograph.

Creator(s): Fay Foto Service, photographer

Keywords: portraits

Showing 1 to 10 of 174 entries